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Orgasm in the Intralabyrinth - 2023 - 2024

Artwork project in virtual reality and augmented reality, developed for an artistic residency proposal involving arts and new technologies with the theme: Pleasure in the contemporary world.

A hybrid work of art project that consists of: a bust with an hourglass body, looking at a cell phone and a multidimensional labyrinth. The work seeks to represent the intersection between virtual narcissism and the passage of time in the digital age. Through this symbolic combination, the observer is invited to reflect on the complex relationship between the incessant search for validation on social networks and the ephemerality of virtual time, the narcissistic orgasm in the intralabyrinth.


In the digital age, constant exposure on social media and the search for validation have become significant aspects of our lives. The artwork in question depicts a bust with an hourglass body, whose gaze is turned towards a cell phone. This symbolic combination provokes reflections on virtual narcissism and the way time is experienced in this context.

The narcissistic orgasm, in the context of the internet, refers to the momentary and intense satisfaction obtained by obtaining likes, comments and shares on social networks. This relentless search for approval can lead to a search for external validation and a dependence on online recognition to build self-esteem and identity.

Contemporary culture, influenced by the predominant presence of social networks, values image and visibility. This can lead to the formation of a society centered on narcissism, where authenticity is sacrificed in favor of building an idealized digital persona. This dynamic can create a disconnect between offline and online life, resulting in a loss of intimacy and superficial relationships. Faced with this scenario, an intriguing paradox arises: the coexistence of the real, physical and tangible world, and the virtual, abstract and digital world. With technological advances and the expansion of the internet, these realities have become inseparable, influencing our lives in a profound and multifaceted way.

The narcissistic orgasm is also driven by the culture of instantaneous and immediate gratification, characteristic of the digital world. The quest for likes and approval can generate a constant need for stimulation, leading to an endless cycle of seeking pleasure and validation. This can result in fragmented attention, difficulty concentrating, and a diminished ability to appreciate deeper, more meaningful experiences.

The maze of the internet is fueled by underlying technological complexities. Digital infrastructure, recommendation algorithms and search engines influence how we navigate and find information. Internet governance and privacy and security issues also play significant roles in shaping this digital maze.

In the work of art, the labyrinth can be a metaphor that invites us to reflect on the complexities of the information society and how we derive pleasure from its use. By analyzing its social, cultural, psychological and technological dimensions, we can better understand the challenges and our own behavior when we are immersed in the labyrinth of the digital world. When navigating cyberspace, we must cultivate a critical approach, seeking understanding and awareness of delight as guides to a meaningful experience in the digital universe. It is essential to reflect on how this dynamic affects our perception of intimacy, identity and relationships. We must strike a healthy balance between online and offline presence, valuing authenticity, real human connection and appreciation of genuine experiences.

Project Gallery

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